In June, the rail sector takes part in two rail safety campaigns: International Level Crossing Safety Awareness Day and International Rail Trespass Awareness Day.

Both campaigns, which are part of global initiatives led by the International Union of Railways (UIC), aim to raise awareness among the general public about the dangers of crossing railway tracks and to promote cooperation between various sectors in order to reduce accidents and increase safety. The railway community worldwide takes part in these campaigns, including Slovenian Railways.

According to UIC estimates, there are more than half a million level crossings worldwide, of which over 20% are in the EU. Almost a third of all rail accidents in Europe and elsewhere in the world are accidents and fatalities at level crossings. When adding trespassing on the railway tracks, the figure rises to more than 90% of all rail accidents.

Many accidents are caused by people who deliberately take risks or make wrong decisions through carelessness, habit or lack of attention. To improve safety at level crossings and elsewhere in the track area, the rail sector carries out risk assessments and introduces various technical solutions and innovations. In addition to safety measures, various training and awareness-raising campaigns are also carried out to increase safety at level crossings. Where necessary, measures are also taken to prevent misbehaviour at level crossings and in the track area.

In 2024, the focus of awareness-raising campaigns is on the safety of vulnerable road users with the slogan: ‘Beware of trains. Life can change in a split second’, warning of the irreversible consequences of recklessly crossing railway tracks.

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