There are different types of trains operating on the Slovenian Railways network.

They can be identified according to their respective code on the timetable (ICSICECMVENRG and LP / LPV).

InterCity Slovenia (ICS)

Equipped with air-conditioning, Wi-Fi and a tilting system, ICS can travel at higher speed and provide more comfort. First Class is also equipped with electrical outlets. Snacks and beverages are available at the buffet car (on some trains, during weekdays). ICS trains operate on the Ljubljana – Maribor route. The ticket fare includes an ICS supplement (3 EUR).

InterCity (IC)

Modern trains that operate on longer distances in domestic and international traffic, connecting major cities, economic, and tourist centers. They have a shorter travel time and fewer stops. The ticket fare includes an IC supplement (1.50 EUR).

EuroCity (EC)

EC refers to international trains which run major international services, connecting important business and tourist locations in both Slovenia and Europe. Journey times are lower compared to regional trains and involve fewer stops. Most of them have air-conditioning and provide catering. Like with IC, the ticket fare includes an EC supplement (1.50 EUR).

Video: EC 150 (Emona)

International trains (MV)

MV stands for trains operating international services with few stops. When travelling in domestic traffic, an MV supplement (1.50 EUR) is included in the ticket fare.

EuroNight (EN)

Long-distance international trains which run at night, and include sleepers and couchette cars. The ticket fare for international destinations includes an EN supplement for the use of bed or sleeping berth. Moreover, similar to EC, an EN supplement is paid for a seat in a standard carriage when travelling inland. Some EN trains which run across Europe operate under special international tariffs with mandatory seat reservation.

Regional (RG) and local passenger trains (LP or LPV)

These trains connect Slovenian towns on shorter and longer routes. These are intended primarily for daily journeys to and from work or to school. Seat reservations and supplements are not required to travel on these trains.

The type of train is indicated by an abbreviation (LP or LPV/RG/ICS/IC/EC/MV/EN) in the timetable.

The designation BUS in the timetable indicates that due to track work, replacement bus service is organized.

Further information

  • Visit a train station with a ticket office;
  • Visit one of our InfoCentres at the train stations in Koper, Ljubljana, Celje, and Maribor;
  • Call our toll-free number 080 81 11 (for calls made from Slovenia), or dial +386 1 29 13 331 (for calls made from abroad);
  • Send an e-mail with your question to [email protected]i.
Zelena energija vlak.