The SUSTANCE project brings together 8 partners from Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary, with the aim of improving the connectivity of public passenger transport in peripheral and cross-border areas of Central Europe, where dependency on private means of transport still persists. The project will provide better technological support, innovative approaches and cross-border partnership. The project objectives will be supported by a common methodology for accessibility assessment and identification of key problems, which will be the basis for the creation of new and innovative services. Based on pilot testing, common solutions will be developed, supported by implementation plans and coordinated with key stakeholders. These joint solutions will be proposed to decision-makers for implementation. Special attention will be paid to the transferability of results beyond the project area, resulting in a dedicated supporting tool.

SŽ-Potniški promet, d. o. o. will participate together with Passenger Transport of Croatian Railways in a pilot activity for the establishment of a cross-border regional train connection between Villa Opicina (Trieste), Divača and Rijeka.

This project is supported by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme with co-financing from European Regional Development Fund.

Project budget: 2.013.259,00 EUR

ERDF funding: 1.610.607,20 EUR

Project duration: April 2023 – March 2026

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