Slovenske železnice makes a significant contribution to protecting the environment: starting this year with carbon-free passenger and freight transport with all electric trains

Slovenske železnice (SŽ, Slovenian Railways) is committed to respecting the highest standards of environmental protection. In pursuit of the strategic goal of reducing CO2 emissions from the transport sector, an important step has been taken since this year with the order for electricity that is 100% obtained from renewable energy sources. This enables carbon-free passenger and freight transport with all electric trains in passenger and freight traffic.

Concern for the preservation of the environment is part of the code of ethics of Slovenske železnice and represents an important part of social responsibility and sustainable development. When dealing with the environment, the fundamental approach is to prevent all types of environmental pollution at the source of their occurrence. At Slovenske železnice, we want to minimize environmental and safety risks that could subsequently affect the environment.

The latest statistics from the European Commission show that rail transport accounts for only 0.4 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from transport. In Slovenia, 36 percent of all energy is consumed annually in the transport sector. Of the energy used in transport, 99 percent falls on fossil fuels, which is why the railway represents an effective alternative to other types of transport.

According to carbon footprint calculations (Source: Slovenske železnice Annual Report 2023 and the European Environmental Agency, a passenger train produces almost five times less CO2 than a car. A freight train costs fourteen times less than a freight vehicle on the road. In the past year, the SŽ passenger train thus consumed 31 gCO2e/PKM, while a car consumed as much as 143 g CO2e/PKM. Freight trains, which run on electrified lines to a greater extent than passenger trains, consumed 10 g of CO2e/NTKM, while freight vehicles in road transport as much as 140 g CO2e/NTKM.

Starting this year, we have ordered electricity from 100% renewable sources for all electric trains in passenger and freight transport, which means 100% green energy and practically zero CO2. This means a significant additional reduction of the carbon footprint in rail passenger and freight transport. Compared to last year, the passenger traffic of Slovenske železnice is estimated to have a carbon footprint of around 50 percent lower than last year, and the carbon footprint of freight traffic to be around 83 percent lower according to the market method of calculating emissions.

Energy consumption and carbon footprint are very important indicators for Slovenske železnice in terms of costs and environmental protection. Rail transport is an extremely energy and environmentally efficient type of transport, which is why it is extremely attractive and promoted as a sustainable mode of transport in the era of decarbonisation of transport in the world. In previous years, 50 percent and since the beginning of this year as much as 100 percent of the electricity consumed by the electric rolling stock of Slovenian Railways is obtained from renewable energy sources. This enables the railway system to have a significantly smaller carbon footprint when transporting cargo and passengers.

Railways are currently the only branch of transport that can provide carbon-free commercial transport of passengers and cargo, so railways have an initial advantage in the green transition, which it makes sense to use at the national level as well.

Rail transport is also statistically safer compared to road transport, so we believe that rail transport is our safe and environmentally friendly future.

Zelena energija vlak.