Parenzana is considered a route suitable for pleasant short or long walks as well as family cycling trips.

You can cycle the entire route or just a part of it, or you can also walk along a section of it. The total length is 130 kilometers and it leads from Škofije, past Koper, Izola, and Piran all the way to Portorož and further into Croatia (to Poreč). The route, also called the Path of Health and Friendship, follows the path of the former narrow-gauge railway line between Trieste and Poreč. During your cycling trip, you can explore the beautiful Slovenian coast and its hinterland.

More information: and Visit Koper.

On the train to Koper, enjoy a relaxing ride and chat while getting to know the nature and places that “fly” by.

You can view train timetables in the timetable search engine. You can view the railway network map in Slovenia on the route map.

Further information

  • Visit a train station with a ticket office;
  • Visit one of our InfoCentres at the train stations in Koper, Ljubljana, Celje, and Maribor;
  • Call our toll-free number 080 81 11 (for calls made from Slovenia), or dial +386 1 29 13 331 (for calls made from abroad);
  • Send an e-mail with your question to [email protected]i.
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