Due to the increased occupancy of international trains and the European Football Championship, the German Federal Railways (DB) has introduced mandatory seat reservations on international-cross-border trains.

Due to the above, in the period from June 1 to September 1, 2024, seat reservations are mandatory on all international cross-border trains in traffic with Austria, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

Trains for which reservation is mandatory are marked in the international timetable search engine. Mandatory reservation applies only to cross-border journeys, for journeys by trains in internal traffic (on the Slovenian Railways network) a reservation is not mandatory.

Refunds or exchanges of reservations are not permitted, and the passenger can only travel on the train for which he has a reservation (a reservation cannot be exchanged for travel on another train). Mandatory reservation also applies to holders of Interrail/Eurail, FIP or tickets issued under other offers (Sparschiene, FME…).

A passenger who travels without a reservation on a train for which a reservation is mandatory will be charged a fee of EUR 30 on the train. If the train is overcrowded, the passenger must also leave the train according to the instructions of the train staff.

A passenger who misses a connection with a train for which a reservation is mandatory can obtain a free seat reservation for the next possible train on which seats are available, or seat reservation can be purchased online. However, a refund can be claimed for a reservation purchased at a later date.

Thank you for your understanding.

Obvestilo za nakup abonentskih vozovnic pred vstopom v vlak.