The Wi-Fi signal on Slovenian Railways trains is available on all Siemens Desiro passenger trains (SŽ 312), ICS tilting trains (SŽ 310) and Stadler trains (SŽ 313, SŽ 510 and SŽ 610).

What is the signal coverage?

Many railway lines in Slovenia run through basins, valleys and largely unpopulated areas, which has already made it difficult to use mobile internet connections. At the same time, modern trains and electric rolling stock add to the problem, making it difficult for a mobile signal to reach the inside of a passenger train. LTE antennas for Wi-Fi internet are installed on the outside of the train, and these antennas are also more powerful than those in mobile devices.

To provide you with the best possible quality internet connection over the Wi-Fi network, the antennas on the roof of Slovenian Railways trains combine signals from several mobile communications providers to ensure maximum coverage and throughput.

How do I use the free Wi-Fi on board?

During your journey, simply connect to Wi-Fi (name: SloZeleznice) on your smartphone, tablet or laptop, accept the terms of use and log in. Now that you are connected to the Wi-Fi network, you can enjoy browsing online content.

Wi-Fi on board

Fair use of Wi-Fi

Your experience of using Wi-Fi on the train depends on mobile signal coverage and other passengers. Therefore, for reasons of fairness, we kindly ask you not to use data-intensive internet services (Youtube, Netflix, etc.).

Further information

  • Visit a train station with a ticket office;
  • Visit one of our InfoCentres at the train stations in Koper, Ljubljana, Celje, and Maribor;
  • Call our toll-free number 080 81 11 (for calls made from Slovenia), or dial +386 1 29 13 331 (for calls made from abroad);
  • Send an e-mail with your question to [email protected]i.
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