Travelling with kids? Enjoy 40% off standard adult fares while your children up to 15 travel with 50% off and children under 6 travel with you free of charge.


The family discount applies to parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren.


make the following savings:

  • 40% off adult fares and kids’ fares for children over 15
  • 50% off for children between 6 and 15
  • Tickets completely free of charge for children under 6 inclusive


The discount is applicable to First and Standard Class journeys across Slovenia throughout the year. You can also purchase an international ticket, however the discount only applies to the part of your journey that takes place on our network.

Are you eligible

The discount applies when a child under 15 inclusive and at least one person over 15 are travelling together. Note that up to 5 passengers can travel together (including at least one child under 15) to be eligible.

Further information

  • Visit a train station with a ticket office;
  • Visit one of our InfoCentres at the train stations in Koper, Ljubljana, Celje, and Maribor;
  • Call our toll-free number 080 81 11 (for calls made from Slovenia), or dial +386 1 29 13 331 (for calls made from abroad);
  • Send an e-mail with your question to [email protected]i.
Obvestilo za nakup abonentskih vozovnic pred vstopom v vlak.