With the new trains of Slovenian Railways, you can also travel to Graz or Villach and back from March 21 onwards, with new daily direct connections.


Valid from 21 March 2024.

Subject to change in case of construction works on the lines. Please check the current timetable in the international timetable finder or at international ticket offices before travelling.

On this website you can find suggestions of the most affordable train connections.

If you want to travel with a connection other than those listed, you can create a timetable according to your wishes with the help of the international timetable finder or at international ticket offices before travelling.

To GRAZ and back


To VILLACH and back

Further information

  • Visit a train station with a ticket office;
  • Visit one of our InfoCentres at the train stations in Koper, Ljubljana, Celje, and Maribor;
  • Call our toll-free number 080 81 11 (for calls made from Slovenia), or dial +386 1 29 13 331 (for calls made from abroad);
  • Send an e-mail with your question to [email protected]i.
Oglas za abonentsko vozovnico Slovenskih železnic.